Fees may be paid prior to May 15th each year.
Active Members:
International $40.00
State and International Scholarships $1.00
State $15.00
World Fellowship $1.00
Eta State Building Fund $2.00
Total remitted to State Treasurer $59.00
Alpha Omega Chapter $13.00
Total Active Dues $72.00
Petty cash derived from the $1.00 social fee that members pay at each meeting.
Reserve Members:
International $20.00
State and International Scholarships $1.00
State $2.00
World Fellowship $1.00
Eta State Building Fund $2.00
Total remitted to State Treasurer $26.00
Alpha Omega Chapter $4.00
Total Reserve Dues $30.00
Honorary Members:
The Chapter pays a onetime $50.00 fee per Honorary member, " and no further payment is required", according to International rules.
Updated July 16, 2019